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Carnival RingLoop

Are you in charge of organizing your school fest? Then remember a fest is incomplete without a ringloop game as it is a traditional favorite. This game is sure to be a hit in your carnival. So you can rent a stall of carnival ringloop to add unlimited excitement to the school fest.

A ring loop or ring toss game is where the rings are tossed around a peg. It is one of the most common games in any carnival. This game is highly popular amongst the toddlers and it also helps in developing their hand-eye coordination and motor skills. This game is known to improve their ability to focus, self-esteem and concentration skills. Kids find it really challenging in tossing the rings around the pegs and when they are actually capable their excitement knows no limits.

CarnivalGuru is a one-stop solution in Singapore for all your carnival gaming needs. We have a portable carnival ringloop stall with a colorful picture of a clown at the backdrop juggling with rings and the based has pegs attached to it where the kids have to toss the colorful rings given to them. Here, we give the children 3 to 5 rings to try their hand in tossing the pegs. If the player is successful in tossing then they are given prizes.

We present you some of the best Carnival Game Stalls in rent to add real fun to events like school fairs, themed parties, fundraising occasions, community events, corporate events and more. At Carnivalguru, we constantly upgrade the game rental stalls to ensure that our customers get to enjoy the best. With us you can afford to refresh your old childhood day memories by selecting any of the exciting games stalls like carnival ringloop and a lot more.